Always get your mind, food and routine prepared before starting on a diet. Plan what kind of diet your are going to stick with for this while. These tasks cannot be missed if you want a smooth sailing weight loss journey.

Are you prepared?

1. Stock up your food and equipments
It doesn't matter which diet you are on, each has its own food requirements. In most cases, they require you to try new foods and really change the way you eat. And I should also probably say that many diets require you to prepare your own meals. What you can do is to stock your home full of these foods that are within your diet. This way, you will surround yourself and not 'accidentally' eat prohibited foods. It's also easier to prepare meals when you have ingredients ready.

New equipments are other stuff that isn't food but things you'll need in your weight loss program. It could be anything, from skipping ropes, dumb bells, yoga mats to even supplements.

If you have no choice but to eat out, take a look at the menus of the store that you regularly visit, decide which foods best fit the diet that you're on. Know what kind of food to avoid and what to eat. Make a mental note about these food.

2. Prepare your menu ahead
Always remember to plan ahead, especially your meals. Take a look at your daily routine. What time do you wake up, how much breaks you have in between work or school, what time you sleep? All these minor events determines your menu of the day.

I used to be on 6 meals diet, it was really not easy packing the meals into my schedule. But I plan ahead, woke up early to prepare my meals, squeeze in some meals into my tiny breaks. Managed to keep up with my diet for a few months until my schedule changed.

For some people who have no choice but to eat out, this should be taken into account as well.

3. Planning your physical activities

For those who have never moved for awhile, this plan will be a very daunting task indeed. Cannot find the time to exercise? Very often, it's not about time but more of the motivation issue. The only time where an everyday person can exercise would be before work and after work.

It's good to know that physical activity does not only mean exercises. It's the total energy that you spent daily doing physical stuff. Eg. Walking, climbing stairs, household chores. All these requires energy and are part of your daily physical activity. Take a bus, instead of driving and you'll find yourself walking and burning some calories while reducing CO2 emission at the same time. Walking is a great exercise that does not place too much stress on the knees, I highly recommend all of you to incorporate more walking into your daily routine.

4. Think positive

A positive mind is the first step to weight loss. Do not despair at how much weight you lose, focus more on following the program. Afterall, your weight is just a numerical figure but your health is what other sees. If you're doing things right, everything will go in your way like clockwork.

5. Take a before pic! (optional)
This is really fun! trust me. Comparing old pictures to the new you is the most amusing experience ever


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